2023-24 Club President: John Lamanna
You can reach him at lamannaj@outlook.com
Executive Board Members:
President-Elect: Paul Frank (pfrank@ptfassociates.com)
Secretary: Bob Hall (rdhdds@comcast.net)
Treasurer: Darcus Breneman (dbreneman@fbvirginia.com)
Past President: Jenny Baker (jennybrockwellbaker@gmail.com)
Board Members:
2021-2024 2022-2025 2023-2026
Heather Hovermale Wilson Gilbert Malinda Hinkel
Dave Miles Darla McCrary Gary Chrisman
Jay Smith Chuck Peterson Rick Mabe
Dave Sweeney Ridge White John Elrick
Jean Barch – barchfam@comcast.net (540-247-8402)
club secretary:
Casey Bennett – casey1332b@gmail.com (540-514-9545)
October 10: Shrimp Fest, free to members, $20 for guests and e-members; All you can eat shrimp and Steak, beer and wine
October 17: Regular meeting
October 24: Evening social, 6 pm at the Country Club
Denny Madigan gave the Club a detailed description of his business, An Affair to Remember. This business has been in operation since 1998 with Denny buying it in 2010. They still offer the same services that they offered 26 years ago.
An Affair to Remember offers digitizing services transferring old technology to new technology. The old technology varies from 8 mm film to VHS and audio tapes. In addition to their digitizing business, they also provide video services to over 100 weddings a year along with screen and projector rentals. Denny says they focus on customer service and have longstanding relationships with their clients.

Newest Members

MARI KOFALT – Mari is well known to our members since she is the wife of Pat Kofalt, a very active member of our club. Mari is retired from the Defense Department and now spends most of her time pursuing her interest in crafts, reading (WWII era is a favorite), walking and singing, sometimes at the same time. Her interests also include working on behalf of women and children to keep them safe and well fed, Bright Futures, Evans Home, Literacy Volunteers, and the Rescue Mission to name a few. Mari has accompanied Pat to Jamaica to help with the Negril dental clinic, so she has seen firsthand how Rotary can impact a community. It didn’t take much persuasion from husband Pat and Jean Barch to get Mari to join our Club once the Active Service Membership became available.
Health Report of the Week
Jaime Karalis is recovering from nasal surgery performed earlier this month in Pittsburgh.
Libba let us know that August is Medical Alert Awareness month. She said that a nationwide medical alert system using bracelets to identify an individual’s medical information was created in 1956 and signed into law in 1978 under Jimmy Carter.
Last week Libba encouraged club members to get some exercise and support a good cause at the same time by joining CCAP’s 4th annual Bike Tour on August 24th. The family ride will be at the MSV, but also 30, 50, 70, and 100 mile routes are available for those ready to test their endurance.
Our Meetings
We are currently meeting in Hybrid mode. Our meetings are held at Winchester Country Club on Thursdays. Doors open at Noon, and the program runs from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. If you choose to view our meetings remotely, there is also a Zoom option. The link for Zoom can be found on the Home Page.
Who we are

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
- FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
- SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
- THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
- FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world.
The Rotary Club of Winchester, founded in 1921, is comprised of some of Winchester’s most prominent community leaders – men and women with a variety of backgrounds in business, professions, religions, civic and non-profit organizations. Our members take action to make the Winchester community stronger through their service, fellowship, and by setting a good example. Every week, we come together to fulfill our commitment to Rotarian values, such as friendship, fellowship, and service to others.
If this sounds like you, Rotary is the right place for you.
A key tenet of Rotary is service.
Our members roll up their sleeves’ to make a difference. Whether it’s collecting for the Salvation Army, handing out dictionaries in our own community, packing food to send to Haiti, the Winchester Rotary Club’s impact can be felt near and far.
If this sounds like you, Rotary is the right place for you.